Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Hola Familia!!

Yesterday was OFFICIALLY my two month mark of my misson!! 16 to go!! WHOOOT! (haha) I am just having a blast in New York! The past two months have gone by so quickly :) but I am trying to learn to give myself over to the Lord so that I can love the work more and I won't be so worried about the time I've been out and the time I have left. It kills me sometimes and that's no bueno (haha)… but eventually I'll learn.

I want you all to keep in touch! I miss you and I want to know that all is well and all the goings on in Florida and Utah! Wow. My family is everywhere!! How is everything? Feel free to write letters as well... Those are much needed out in the field. It helps give you a boost of spirit to continue the work!

So, this week was great!! We met a 20 year-old girl named Janice last Tuesday night when we went out BIKING in our area. Yes…biking! We already have bikes luckily :) Some Elders left them and we get them! Well, we met her at a stop light. She asked us if we were smart because she needed help with her homework.  We sat outside in a park and helped her with her homework.  We were able to teach her about the Law of Chastity and we have been in contact to help her out with her situation. We hope to teach her more VERY soon!! :D I am so excited about her!! :D

We went out tracting on Saturday evening with a member named Sally Chilton.  She has her mission call to Brazil! We tracted and I PLACED MY FIRST BOOK OF MORMON!! The man's name is Kirk and he seemed interested! So I gave him the book and our number. So let's see if he calls! If not, I at least planted the seed and he has the book in his possession :P I have grown so much and I am not as fearful to go up to knock on doors and talk to people now! It's still kinda scary but I am getting better at it :D

Sunday we had 2 investigators come to church! Betsy and Janet. :) they are fantastic women and we have actually been helping Betsy move into her new apartment because she is in a wheelchair and is unable to do it for herself. I have loved serving her and I love how happy it makes her!! I can tell that I am making a real difference and I just adore her so much :)

We have 2 spanish investigators, Ysandra and Cesar. I was so lost the time we met them this week.. I had NO IDEA what they were saying! (haha) They're from Puerto Rico.. Puerto Rican Spanish is so confusing! I know that The Lord will bless me and will help me to communicate with them. I was able to give the closing prayer though! One step at a time (haha)!

Oh! We are also running a 5K on the 4th... (haha)  We've been preparing. :P  I'm not a runner but we are going to run it to do some contacting and meet those who are prepared! I can sacrifice for the Lord! (haha)   Wish me luck!!

This has been a great week…and here comes a new one!! I love you all so much!! Keep writing and emailing!! 


Hermana Lewis <3

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