Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pageant Week!

It's Pageant Week! :D What a crazy and amazing week! So we moved to Waterloo last Wednesday to serve at the Peter Whitmer farm this week and it has been wonderful! We move closer to Palmyra tonight because we serve at the Joseph Smith Farm for the rest of the week!! I am so ready! I am so grateful for the beautiful opportunities that I have been given here at the sites and on my mission! :D

At the end of last week, Heritage tours came through!! I saw a lot of people I knew... how weird! I loved it! I saw Abby Hafen and Melissa Squire! I loved seeing all those people and received hugs from them and I felt so much better.. I taught them in the Chapel AND in the upstairs of the log home!  It was a fantastic experience! It was so cool! 

Yesterday we had an FHE bbq with the volunteer couples that are here for pageant.  I love them so much! They're all so much fun! We had a tour drive up and we decided to take them through even though we had closed, and it was the strongest spiritual experience I have had!! Sister Su and I taught them as a companionship in the log home, and I was so happy we did that.. that second witness :) perfect. We recited the Standard of Truth together and we both bore our testimonies.. and I was literally crying.. I am so grateful for these experiences.. I love the Savior and I know that I am meant to be here.. Sister Astorga took a spanish tour today! I was able to watch and understand! I talked to a few people and we were able to have conversations!! :D I am sorry this is so short...I love you!

Keep Strong! Carry On!
-Hermana Lewis

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Hello All!

Pageant is just DAYS away!! It begins Friday and I am soooo excited!

I am moving to Waterloo this afternoon.  We need to live closer to the church sites as we are busily working at one site or another daily :)

The first week of pageant we are working at the Peter Whitmer Farm with 2 other companionships! We go into something called PAGAENT MODE where the visitors go station to station. One sister is set up in each spot of the site and people just flood through.  We get about 2 minutes to teach the visitors about our area and just move them through to the next station!  So, we teach about our assigned station over and over and over. Baptism by fire! (Haha)

 Next week we move to Canadaguia to work at the Joseph Smith Farm (JSF) :).  The last time I did ‘pageant mode’ at the JSF site I was upstairs in the log home where the Angel Moroni appeared to Joseph 3 times. That was an amazing experience!  And, I was able to bear my testimony about Moroni’s visits to Joseph about a million times!  How blessed are we to serve in these sites?!  

We have also been able to spend more time in our area!  So much fun!!  We finally found Liz, she was hiding from us. (Haha)  She is a Spanish investigator.  I was unable to really teach much because we had a Spanish member with us. But, I was able to speak to her and she's great.  She has digressed though.  We are hoping the Spanish Elders will take good care of her while we are gone. :)  

Dana… I think I told you about her last week.  She's marvelous and is continually progressing!! :D   We invited her to be baptized and she said YES!!!!! :D   We had been teaching the Restoration :) a day or so after we taught her the Plan of Salvation.  We have scheduled her baptism for the 27th of this month!   I am so excited and she is so happy that she has made this decision.  On Sunday we taught the Law of Chastity and Word of Wisdom, she has no problem with them and has already been living them! :D   How perfect!  We are sad that ww have to leave her for 2 weeks. Thank goodness for TELEPHONES!

July 4th was great here!  We went to Naomi Castle’s apartment to visit her.  We were given permission by President Francis to watch fireworks :).  Naomi lives on the 12th floor of her building and we watched the fireworks from her window.   So, we were dead straight across from the big show!  WOW!   Not only did we watch the big fireworks spectacular, but we were able to see the many fireworks displays from celebrations happening all over the city!!!  I loved it so much!!!

All is well in New York and I love every minute of every day!  President Francis is wonderful.  He and his wife are as loving as they are TALL…he is 6'7" and she is 6'4"!!!!  They have 4 sons that came to accompany them as they serve.  They have a total of 8 children.  They are a wonderful family and have such strong spirits.  They're going to perform a great service here. President Francis has so much love in his heart and I am so grateful to have him for a mission president.  And, I'm so grateful to be serving in this mission.

Due to the hectic schedule, I will not have a pday next week.  But, I will be able to write home when I have some down time :)  HOPEFULLY, Liam will be in the world by then ;).

I know this gospel is true.  And, I know that what has been reported to have happened at these sites really did happen...the Spirit can be felt so strongly at each site.   My testimony is definitely STRONGER than it was before I arrived here and it grows stronger each day!  I know the Lord has a plan for all of us and He loves us all so much.  He will never let us fail.  Keep up the faith :) When you feel alone, get down on your knees for it is there that we are the strongest.

I love you all so very much and I love your support!! You are exactly what I need :).  Keep writing those letters!  Please!

Keep Strong. Carry On.


Hermana Lewis

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Hola Familia!!

Yesterday was OFFICIALLY my two month mark of my misson!! 16 to go!! WHOOOT! (haha) I am just having a blast in New York! The past two months have gone by so quickly :) but I am trying to learn to give myself over to the Lord so that I can love the work more and I won't be so worried about the time I've been out and the time I have left. It kills me sometimes and that's no bueno (haha)… but eventually I'll learn.

I want you all to keep in touch! I miss you and I want to know that all is well and all the goings on in Florida and Utah! Wow. My family is everywhere!! How is everything? Feel free to write letters as well... Those are much needed out in the field. It helps give you a boost of spirit to continue the work!

So, this week was great!! We met a 20 year-old girl named Janice last Tuesday night when we went out BIKING in our area. Yes…biking! We already have bikes luckily :) Some Elders left them and we get them! Well, we met her at a stop light. She asked us if we were smart because she needed help with her homework.  We sat outside in a park and helped her with her homework.  We were able to teach her about the Law of Chastity and we have been in contact to help her out with her situation. We hope to teach her more VERY soon!! :D I am so excited about her!! :D

We went out tracting on Saturday evening with a member named Sally Chilton.  She has her mission call to Brazil! We tracted and I PLACED MY FIRST BOOK OF MORMON!! The man's name is Kirk and he seemed interested! So I gave him the book and our number. So let's see if he calls! If not, I at least planted the seed and he has the book in his possession :P I have grown so much and I am not as fearful to go up to knock on doors and talk to people now! It's still kinda scary but I am getting better at it :D

Sunday we had 2 investigators come to church! Betsy and Janet. :) they are fantastic women and we have actually been helping Betsy move into her new apartment because she is in a wheelchair and is unable to do it for herself. I have loved serving her and I love how happy it makes her!! I can tell that I am making a real difference and I just adore her so much :)

We have 2 spanish investigators, Ysandra and Cesar. I was so lost the time we met them this week.. I had NO IDEA what they were saying! (haha) They're from Puerto Rico.. Puerto Rican Spanish is so confusing! I know that The Lord will bless me and will help me to communicate with them. I was able to give the closing prayer though! One step at a time (haha)!

Oh! We are also running a 5K on the 4th... (haha)  We've been preparing. :P  I'm not a runner but we are going to run it to do some contacting and meet those who are prepared! I can sacrifice for the Lord! (haha)   Wish me luck!!

This has been a great week…and here comes a new one!! I love you all so much!! Keep writing and emailing!! 


Hermana Lewis <3